On 10-14 September, the "Georgia International Maritime Forum" will be held in Batumi, under the auspices of the Prime Minister of Georgia. The Forum's principal objective is the promotion of the common values of international shipping addressing issues relative to this global activity and it aims to bring together high level representatives of the maritime sector from different countries and regions.
It is is an opportunity to take the message of the critical importance of an integrated maritime transport policy and ocean governance outside Europe across the Black and Mediterranean Seas and beyond. #GIMF2018 will address issues under the umbrella of Sailing Towards the Roaring Twenties in recognition of the global and regional critical goals and target dates set for the coming decade.
Within the forum, on September14th the Facility for Blow Growth in the Black Sea will hold a workshop on "Sustainable Small-Scale Cruising for the Black Sea" in cooperation with the Georgian Government aiming to forster a constructive dialogue amongst public authorities, investors and operators (including mid-small enterprises) acting across the economic ecosystem that characterises the Blue Economy of the Black Sea.
For more information and to register for the event, please check GIMF2018.