The Annual Balkan and Black Sea Commission General Assembly meetings will be held on 12 April 2019, in Tulcea (Romania), at the kind invitation of the President of Tulcea County Council and CPMR Vice-President, Mr Horia Teodorescu.
The event will focus on Maritime and Transport affairs, and the opportunities these sectors may offer to capitalise on the untapped potential of the area. It will also examine innovative and competitive entrepreneurship methods that could help to alleviate common challenges such as brain drain and issues of economic development.
The presentations and debates will aim to update participants and acquaint them with best practices in these sectors, support multi-actor networking activities and synergies, and pave the way to increase the skills and knowledge of young people, students, and officers of Regional and Local Authorities.
The BBSC General Assembly meetings will be followed by a study visit to the Danube Delta, on 13 April.
Further information will become available at the CPMR website.