Demonstration of wave energy devices to increase experience in real sea condition

Demonstration of wave energy devices to increase experience in real sea condition

Project results are expected to contribute to all of the following expected outcomes:

Demonstrated performance and reliability of wave energy devices producing comparable and public results using international metrics
Improved knowledge on how to operate wave energy devices, their availability maintainability and to increase the impact it is expected that projects are sharing project data.
Reduction of the LCOE in line with the SET Plan targets (actions should clearly justify estimated LCOE at project start and end, using a recognised calculation methodology).
Reinforced industrial supply chain in Europe.
Attraction of private investors to the sector and reduction of the cost of their investment by presented evidences and credible key performance indicators.

The action is expected to:

Demonstrate wave energy devices in real sea conditions for long periods of time (12-24 months) providing invaluable learnings regarding performance, reliability, availability, maintainability, survivability and environmental impact.
Utilise verified key subsystems by comprehensive dry testing to reduce risks in the implementation of the project. Alternatively, the project action is expected to finalise the dry testing in the first year of the project. The onshore testing of key subsystems need to have been carried out prior to any at-sea deployment of complete devices.

Proposals are expected to address also all the following:

Industrial design and manufacturing processes, circularity of (critical) raw materials, scalability, installation methods, transport, operation & maintenance, supply chains and the related digital infrastructures.
Projects are requested to demonstrate the technologies at sea while respecting existing environmental regulatory framework. Present an environmental monitoring plan to be implemented during the demonstration action.
The project has to include a clear go/no go moment ahead of entering the deployment phase. Before this go/no-go moment, the project has to deliver the detailed engineering plans, a techno-economic assessment, including key performance indicators based on international recognized metrics, a complete implementation plan, a plan to achieve certification by an independent certification body before the end of the action, and all needed permits for the deployment of the project. The project proposal is expected to clearly demonstrate a proposed pathway to obtaining necessary permits for the demonstration actions and allow for appropriate timelines to achieve these. The project is expected also to demonstrate how it will get a financial close for the whole action. Independent experts will assess all deliverables and will advise for the go/no-go decision.


Link with CMA Goals

Goal I: Healthy marine and coastal ecosystems
 / Priotity 1: Ensure the protection and sustainability of the marine ecosystem

Romania Georgia Bulgaria
Horizon Europe
€5,000,000 (total incitative budget for the topic)
Sector of Activity
Climate Change Green Economy Renewable Energy Research & innovation