Technical Assistance preparation of SNAPs (LIFE)

Technical Assistance preparation of SNAPs (LIFE)


The objective is the preparation of Strategic Nature Projects (SNAPs).

SNAPS projects
(1) aim at the implementation of:
- Prioritised Action Frameworks (PAF) and/or
- Other plans or strategies adopted at international, national, regional or
multiregional level by nature and biodiversity authorities, that implement EU
nature and/or biodiversity policy or legislation,

(2) at large territorial scale

(3) with the involvement of all concerned stakeholders

(4) and include a coordination mechanism for funding supporting complementary
measures necessary for the full implementation of the targeted PAF (or other
eligible strategy).

Therefore the main objective of the TA-PP project is the submission of a full proposal
for a SNAP.

The SNAP proposal prepared in the framework of TA-PP project has to be of good quality and has to be eligible for LIFE funding. If failure to submit eligible and quality SNAP proposal is due to the poor performance, negligence or mistake of the beneficiary of the TA-PP project, the granting authority reserves the right to recover any pre-financing and to declare all TA- PP project costs ineligible.

The coordinating beneficiary should submit a full SNAP proposal in the framework of a dedicated LIFE call for SNAPs before the end of the TA-PP project. Please keep in mind that the submission process for a SNAPs consists of two phases – concept note and full proposal.

Applicants should ensure that the targeted Prioritized Action Framework (PAF), the targeted plan or strategy will be eligible for a SNAP. Please note that, inter alia, the PAF, the plan or strategy should be likely to be adopted by the submission date of the full proposal for the SNAP, which by default will be before the end date of the Technical Assistance project.


The overall objective of a TA-PP-NAT-SNAP project is writing a SNAP proposal, so all activities of the TA-PP project must contribute to this goal.
As a general principle, all activities included in the Technical Assistance project must be new and additional to the work undertaken by the applicant prior to the project. 

In general, and amongst others, the activities: 
• should not be research; 
• should not include statutory responsibilities of the competent authority; 
• should be completed within the duration of the project; 
• should be clearly related to the objective(s) of the project and the corresponding SNAP. Activities may include (this is not an exhaustive list): 
• recruitment of new personnel and training for writing a SNAP proposal; 
• contracting external assistance for writing a SNAP proposal; 
• information collection for the preparation of a SNAP proposal (e.g. on sources of funding) 
• networking, consultation and coordination work for preparing, writing and implementing the SNAP; 
• coordination with stakeholders to be involved in the Strategic Nature Project;
• developing financing plans where such plans are not already part of the targeted PAF, action plan or strategy; 
• mapping of the actions complementary to SNAP and their potential sources of funding
 • writing of the SNAP full proposal or concept note and full proposal itself. 



Link with CMA Goals 

Goal I: Healthy marine and coastal ecosystems / Priority 5: Encourage the production, management and sharing of marine and coastal environmental knowledge for effective environmental monitoring and observation.

Romania Bulgaria
LIFE Programme