On 10 November the International Centre for Black Sea Studies (ICBSS) will host a Regional Stakeholders Webinar on “Cultural Tourism and Digital Transformation in the BSEC Region and Beyond: Lessons learned in the context of Covid-19 Pandemic”.
The webinar aims to bring together regional and international stakeholders to stimulate the discussion and exchange of good practices and lessons learned in cultural tourism and explore the untapped potential of regional partnerships to enhance regional responses to and recovery from the pandemic and build resilience for the future.
It is addressed to policy-makers and policy-delivery stakeholders, national programme owners and funding agencies, representatives of SMEs and industry, academia and civil society - from the BSEC region and beyond.
The webinar is co-organised by the ICBSS and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia.
The webinar builds on the discussions on culture and tourism launched in the Regional Stakeholders Conference “Black Sea Synergy: the way forward” (Athens, 7 November 2019), organised by the ICBSS within the framework of the ENI East Instrument. The results of the event are presented in the ICBSS Policy Paper ‘Black Sea Synergy: the way forward’ that sets the basis for a constructive follow-up with thematic workshops and project-oriented synergies in the targeted cooperation fields.
Further details on the ICBSS webiste, and registration is coming soon.