The real-time demonstrator is the preliminary step to de-risk the technology and enable a real life demonstrator application, which will pave the way to the exploitation of the offshore RES and the development of the offshore grid. Proposals will include all the necessary activities concurring to the implementation of a Real Time Demonstrator of a Multi-Vendor Multi-Terminal HVDC (Voltage Source Converter High Voltage Direct Current) with Grid Forming capability. HVDC systems are applicable and can be planned, designed and integrated in any part of the AC grid, i.e. onshore as well as offshore. Following the Commission’s adoption of the “Strategy on Offshore Renewable Energy”, attention is presently focused to offshore grid application. The HVDC system will guarantee at least the following capabilities or better:
• Independent and full control over the active and reactive power;
• Provide support to weak AC systems;
• Power flow reversal without the need of reversing the voltage polarities;
• Excellent response to AC faults;
• Black start capabilities.
These include, but are not limited to:
• Requirements for multi-vendor converter capabilities in all connection points (AC side, DC side).
• Definition of basic and detailed functional specifications, control and protection interoperability, readiness for future seamless system extension, standardization of HVDC models and replicas, model for interoperability assessment of grid forming converters, etc.).
• Definition of basic and detailed functional specifications, control and protection interoperability, and standardisation of wind power plant models and replicas for assessment of integration to HVDC grids.
• Development, integration, testing and validation of HV components and sub-systems guaranteeing interoperability. Evaluation of the technological challenges related to placing MT-HVDC systems subsea, e.g. at the sea bottom.
• Real-time physical demonstrator of a HVDC system connected to the AC grid with at least three terminals of three different manufacturers with power rating applicable in the current existing real life use cases.
• Contextually, proposals will address grid codes and standardisation issues for all European operators in close cooperation with the European Commission.
• Regulatory framework analysis, definition and application aspect.
The selected projects are expected to contribute to relevant BRIDGE activities.
• Real Time Demonstrator of a Multi-Vendor Multi-Terminal HVDC (High Voltage Direct Current) with Grid Forming Capability to de-risk the technology and pave the way to the installation of the first installation in Europe of a Multi-Vendor Multi-Terminal HVDC system with Grid Forming capability. The Grid Forming capability in the demonstrator addresses the loss of inertia that the grid will incur with the huge integration of offshore RES.
• New way of framing the European energy system (on- off-shore) architecture and topology.
• Way opening to the offshore energy development. Provide new pathways to offshore energy and grid development.
• Involvement, best practice and acquired experience and confidence of all stakeholders (HVDC system manufacturers, TSOs, third-party HVDC system integrators, wind turbine manufacturers, offshore wind farm developers).
Link with CMA Goals
Goal II: A competitive, innovative and sustainable blue economy for the Black Sea
/ Priority 1: Foster innovative business models, stimulate research and innovation, and sustainable growth and up-to-date jobs