On Thursday 18 November (09:00 - 13:00 CET) the Tourism 4.0 for the Black Sea project, funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF), will hold a High Level Forum on Tourism, Digitalisation and Sustainable development for the Black Sea.
The project strives to enable local tourism stakeholders from the public and private sectors to increase their understanding of current digitalisation trends, patterns of tourist flows, and impact of visitors, as well as predict the tourist impact of strategic, data-driven decisions. The aim is to foster more sustainable tourism in the future.
The Forum will present the main project results and look to address the identified challenges and bottlenecks preventing the full uptake of new technologies and business models for a sustainable maritime space.
A wide range of high-level policymakers, businesses, researchers and civil society organisations will discuss challenges and opportunities, as a way to identify pathways to promote the Tourism 4.0 concept in the Black Sea -and beyond.
More infomation: Click here
Registration: Click here