On 7 July 2022, a workshop will be held on Sea-basin Dimension to explore synergies and clustering between EMFF and EMFAF projects at sea basin level. It will present success stories, information and funding options for project coordinators to consider with the objective of establishing synergies and increasing cooperation within and between sea basins.
The EMFF funded a sea-basin specific call in 2015: “EASME/EMFF/2015/ Projects in the context of the Integrated Maritime Policy in the Black Sea and/or Mediterranean Sea regions”. 6 projects were funded.
A new €5,441,293 million call for proposals was closed in January 2021 under the EMFAF. The call will support “Flagship projects” (pilot strategic initiatives) that strengthen sea basin-level collaboration in the Atlantic, the Black Sea and the Western Mediterranean to achieve the goals of the relevant sea basin strategy.
The call covers the following three topics:
- Innovative multi-use projects combining offshore renewable energy with other activities and/or with nature protection in the Atlantic. Projects under this call topic will advance multi-use, integrated offshore renewable energy solutions in the Atlantic towards the commercial phase.
- Black Sea blue economy investment and innovation capacity building pilot. Projects under this call topic will identify and tackle local capacity building needs to boost innovation, digitalisation and investment in the Black Sea blue economy.
- Recovery of coastal and maritime tourism in the Western Mediterranean. Projects under this call topic will develop a multidimensional and integrated approach to re-building coastal and maritime tourism (including cruise tourism) in the Western Mediterranean through innovation in destination management and/or design of smart eco-tourism packages.
Besides these calls, other projects, albeit funded under non-sea-basin-specific calls, addressed a sea basin dimension nonetheless. This is the case, for example, of blue careers projects such as CMES-WestMed, MarENet, and MENTOR.
While not all EMFF-funded projects lend themselves neatly to cooperation at sea-basin level, it is believed that several of them might benefit from increased cooperation with other projects from the same or even from other sea basins.
The workshop will feature presentations from the sea-basin assistance mechanisms and Interact. Further, an interactive session will foster synergies and cooperations between project beneficiaries.
The workshop will take place on Zoom on 7 July 2022:
Agenda and workshop link will be sent to all registered participants closer to the event.
To register, click here .