The CPMR Balkan & Black Sea Commission, partner of the Maritime Innovative Network of Education for Emerging Maritime Issues (MINE-EMI) Project, is organising its Final Conference on 28 and 29 June 2022, in the CPMR offices in Brussels from 14:30 to 18:00, in hybrid format.
The Final Conference of the MINE-EMI Project will focus on the results of the productive collaboration with their partners and on paving the way for the future of maritime education and training in the wider Black Sea region and at pan-European level.
The Final Conference sessions will focus on the following topics:
- Maritime Innovative Network of Education for Emerging Maritime Issues (MINE-EMI);
- Key competences and skills needed for a successful career;
- New jobs in maritime industry and employee’s education background;
- The Port Cities’ perspective and their contribution to the next day.
In order to find the draft Agenda and Registration link, click here.
Venue: Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR); Rond-point Schuman, 14, 1040 Brussels, Belgium
Working language: English