4th EU Macro-Regional Strategies Week 2023 I 24-28 April I Brussels

4th EU Macro-Regional Strategies Week 2023 I 24-28 April I Brussels

Practical information

Event Date
Monday 24, April 2023 - 09:30:00


The 4th EU Macro-Regional Strategies Week (EU MRS Week) will be held in Brussels on April 24-28, in a hybrid format. 

Organised by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy, it is the biggest annual event dedicated to the EU macro-regional strategies. ​ 

This year, the event focuses on three main themes: Energy, Skills, and Funding, and is centered around the motto “Transform and Thrive”.

Please see the draft program and register before 7 April. 

For more information please visit the event page.