European Commission Launches Call for Evidence to Shape the European Oceans Pact

European Commission Launches Call for Evidence to Shape the European Oceans Pact

Author: Black Sea Assistance Mechanism

The European Commission has officially initiated a call for evidence to inform the development of the European Oceans Pact, a significant political initiative aimed at ensuring sustainable ocean management. This effort seeks to enhance the health, resilience, and productivity of oceans while supporting the prosperity of coastal communities across the EU.

Announced as part of President Ursula von der Leyen’s political guidelines for the upcoming European Commission (2024-2029), the European Oceans Pact embodies a commitment to fostering comprehensive and sustainable ocean governance.

Gathering Stakeholder Input

The call for evidence is open until 17 February 2025 and invites input from a wide range of stakeholders, including experts, organizations, and the general public. The European Commission aims to incorporate these contributions into the framework of the European Oceans Pact, with the goal of presenting it at the 3rd UN Ocean Conference in June 2025.

A Holistic Approach to Ocean Governance

The European Oceans Pact is designed to establish a cohesive and integrated approach to ocean governance that spans various sectors and policies, both within the EU and internationally. This initiative is guided by three key objectives:

  • Preserving the health, resilience, and productivity of the ocean.
  • Advancing a sustainable and competitive blue economy, encompassing industries such as fisheries and aquaculture.
  • Promoting a forward-looking agenda focused on marine knowledge, research, innovation, and investment.

For more information, visit the announcement page of the Oceans and Fisheries website, or the page for the public consultation of the European Oceans Pact.