Call for CEF 2 Transport - Projects on the Core Network – General envelope (CEF-T-2023-COREGEN)


The objective is to develop transport infrastructure projects in maritime ports on the Core Network of the TEN-T.


studies and / or works on TEN-T core maritime ports related to:

  • port access aiming at providing safe maritime access in the form of breakwaters, access channels, fairways, locks and navigational aids (e.g., radar, buoys);

  • basic port infrastructure, which are not covered under section 6.2.2 ‘Actions related to sustainable and multimodal mobility’ of the Work Programme, and with a priority on: 

    • development of zero or low-emission multimodal solutions;

    • development of ports capacities and facilities in relation with the transportation activities of the offshore wind farms. The involvement of the maritime port in the transportation activities of the offshore wind farms and the need for the basic port infrastructure for those activities should be demonstrated in the proposal; or,

    • improving connectivity of remote, insular or outermost regions[1] or of Member States with no land border with another Member State.

Such basic port infrastructure may be in the form of turning basins, quay walls, berths, jetties, backfills, land reclamation, which improve the efficiency of the maritime ports and their integration within the TEN-T network. The backfills and land reclamation could be supported as interventions to create space for construction of other basic port infrastructure, e.g., a berth, quay walls, etc, but should not lead to significant added capacity (i.e., increased surface of or creation of new terminals, logistics/cargo handling areas, etc.).

  • shore-side electricity supply (including an upgrade of electrical grid within the port if it is needed for the shore-side electricity supply);

  • port reception facilities for oil and other waste (including residues from exhaust gas cleaning systems) to meet environmental requirements;

  • ensuring year-round navigability by means of capital dredging and ice-breaking facilities. The capital dredging will be supported only as an intervention to remove bottlenecks for the EU short sea shipping;

  • providing or improving inland waterways/road/rail access and connections within maritime ports. The rail access could cover rail infrastructure e.g., new rail tracks, upgrade of existing rail tracks, adaptation for 740 meter long trains and connections within the maritime ports.

Works projects may include on-site renewable energy generation (synergetic element in accordance with Section 10.6 of the Work Programme), such as photovoltaic power plants, wind turbines etc. that is primarily used for example for the shore-side electricity supply, for the need of the basic port infrastructure and for diverse port operations. Such synergetic elements must improve the socio-economic, climate or environmental benefits of the project and may not exceed 20% of the total eligible costs of the project.

Support will not be given to:

  1. infrastructure dedicated for cruise ships, except as regards shore-side electricity supply.

  2. infrastructure in shipyards.

  3. maintenance dredging, dredgers and/or dredging equipment.

  4. digital port systems/ICT platforms.

  5. utilities installations (e.g., water, electricity, lighting), auto-mooring, fixed ramps, dolphins, bollards, fenders, and other fixed auxiliary port infrastructure, unless such interventions are proposed as an integral part of a relevant basic port infrastructure which is the main element of the project.

  6. fixed and/or mobile superstructure (e.g., cargo/passenger terminals, parkings, check-in buildings and areas, storage and stacking areas and facilities, warehouses, multimodal logistics platforms, access gates, port/terminal equipment and vehicles, etc.).

Hinterland connections to the maritime ports are covered by the respective transport mode priorities but may be part of a single project (for instance a project improving the rail access both within and outside the port area). Projects combining hinterland access both within and outside the port area may be submitted either to the maritime ports or to the inland waterways/road/rail topics as appropriate. 

Hinterland road access can be supported only if rail access to/within the port does not exist, or it is not currently under construction, and the road access constitutes a significant bottleneck.

The basic port infrastructure for development of zero or low-emission multimodal solutions could include basic port infrastructure for improving the interconnection between the maritime transport and inland waterways.

For merged port entities or entities managing more than one maritime port, only the geographic area of the maritime port indicated in Annex II to Regulation (EU) No 1315/2013 must be included in the project. This does not affect the relevance of hinterland rail connections to the maritime port indicated in Annex II.

In case of a project taking place in more than one port, the activities of the project in the different ports should contribute to a common objective of the project.

In accordance with Article 9(2), point (a)(i) of the CEF Regulation, projects addressing the Core Network may include related elements on the Comprehensive Network, when necessary to optimize the investment. These elements may form up to 10% of the total eligible costs of the projects and should be presented as a separate work package.

Facilities and infrastructure supported under CEF must be accessible for use by all operators on a non-discriminatory basis.

[1]As defined in Article 349 TFEU.

30 January 2024 17:00:00 Brussels Time
Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)
EUR 2 695 000 000
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Sector of Activity
Blue Economy Blue Growth Maritime and coastal tourism Maritime industry Maritime Technologies Maritime Transport Research & innovation
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