EU4ALGAE - 'stakeholder platform and new algae farmers toolkit' (EMFAF Work Programme 2022-2023 reference 3.5.1 and Work Programme 2024-2025 reference 3.4.1)

The overarching aim of the tender is to contribute to increasing sustainable production of algae, ensuring safe consumption and boosting innovative use of algae and algae-based products in Europe. More specifically:

1) Maintaining, and further developing the existing European Algae Stakeholders platform (EU4ALGAE) as the information and networking hub and one-stop-shop for EU (micro and macro) algae stakeholders;

2) Setting-up a new European Algae farmers toolkit: such toolkit will provide guidance to help new and future European seaweed farmers in setting-up a regenerative ocean farm;

3) Organising the 2nd EU Algae Awareness Summit and contributing to the overall communication about the benefits of algae and the EU support to the algae community.

European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA), CINEA - European Climate
3550000 EUR
More information here
Sector of Activity
Blue Economy Blue Growth Marine aquaculture
Opportunities Status