Hosted by MEP Catherine Chabaud (Renew) and MEP Cyrus Engerer (S&D)
Wednesday 17 March 2021 from 11:00 to 12:30 (CET)
With the support of Fondation de la Mer
Online - GoToWebinar
More info about the event: HERE
Registrations: CLICK HERE
The Ocean’s health and integrity are critical for the planet and for human life, and they suffer a lot from unsustainable development. Action must be taken without delay.
Companies have a major role to play, but they do not always know how: only one out of seven refer to the SDG14 (Sustainable Development Goal on the Ocean) in their CSR communication.
To help them identifying and improving their impact on the Ocean, the Fondation de la Mer has developed the first Ocean framework dedicated to companies. Built with and for them and based on the targets of SDG14 (Sustainable Development Goal on the Ocean), the Ocean framework is freely accessible to all.
The SEArica webinar offers you the opportunity to discover this new tool, which is a world premiere. The UN Global Compact as well as the OECD recommends its use.
The Fondation de la Mer will present the Ocean Framework tool and discuss its benefits with a user company, with authors of the mission Starfish 2030 and with SEArica Members of the European Parliament.
You are more than welcome to participate and share the information with your networks.
More info about the event: HERE
Registrations: CLICK HERE
Cristina Ganapini: