EU publishes fourth report on Black Sea Synergy: making concrete progress under the CMA and the Black Sea SRIA despite regional challenges

EU publishes fourth report on Black Sea Synergy: making concrete progress under the CMA and the Black Sea SRIA despite regional challenges

Author: Black Sea Assistance Mechanism

The European Commission and the European External Action Service have recently published the fourth report on the Black Sea Synergy (BSS), marking a significant milestone in the EU policy framework for the Black Sea region. The Black Sea Synergy aims to foster policy coherence and enhance cooperation among the countries surrounding the Black Sea. It provides a flexible framework designed to develop practical, region-wide solutions to address both regional and global challenges.

Covering the period from 2019 to 2023, the report provides a factual overview of the activities undertaken under the BSS. It emphasizes synergies aimed at promoting sustainable development, good governance, and regional cooperation in response to global events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the changed geopolitical context stemming from Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine.

The Common Maritime Agenda (CMA) for the Black Sea is highlighted in the report as one of the flagship initiatives under the BSS, along with its scientific pillar, the Black Sea Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA). Focusing on the sustainable blue economy, marine research, and innovation, the CMA have been making concrete progress in preserving healthy marine and coastal ecosystems and in promoting an innovative blue economy in the region, backed by increased investment in the maritime sectors.

The report underscores the CMA’s capacity to strengthen dialogue and cooperation on maritime affairs, creating a stable framework to address the blue economy's challenges and opportunities in the Black Sea region, despite regional challenges. It has also worked to actively engage stakeholders and mobilise funding and investment at the EU, national, and international level. 

Looking forward, the fourth report on the Black Sea Synergy provides a solid basis for reflection and future planning of the EU policy towards the region. In that, it underscores the EU's ongoing commitment to promoting stability, security, and prosperity through regional cooperation and dialogue, ensuring a resilient and interconnected Black Sea region.

Read more on the Black Sea regional cooperation progress here

You can also find the press release by the EEAS here.

You can find the full report here.